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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - shark


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Перевод с английского языка shark на русский

сущ. 1) общ. акула 2) общ. хищник; вымогатель; мошенник; жулик; спекулянт; "акула" (в переносном смысле: лицо, которое получает доходы, эксплуатируя или обманывая других) 3) фин., упр. "акула" (компания, которая пытается поглотить другую компанию) See: shark repellent, shark watcher, raider, hostile takeover, target company 4) общ., амер., сленг блестящий знаток (чего-л.)
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См. в других словарях

  1) акула 2) энт. капюшонница (Cucullia) – alligator shark – angel shark – bamboo sharks – banjo shark – barbeled hound shark – basking shark – black shark – blind shark – blue shark – blue-gray carpet shark – bone shark – bonnethead sharks – bottlenose shark – bramble sharks – broad-finned shark – broad-nosed seven-gilled shark – bull shark – bullhead shark – carpet shark – cat shark – collared carpet shark – common shark – cookiecutter shark – coral cat shark – cow shark – crocodile shark – daggernose shark – death shark – dogfish shark – dwarf shark – elephant shark – false cat shark – fin-backed cat sharks – flap-nosed hound shark – fox shark – frill shark – giant shark – goblin shark – gray shark – gray nurse shark – great basking shark – great white shark – Greenland shark – green silver-spangled shark – griset sharks – ground shark – gulper shark – gummy shark – gurry shark – hammer-headed shark – hook-toothed shark – horn sharks – hound shark – kitefin sharks – lantern shark – lemon shark – leopard shark – lettuce shark – light-tailed shark – liver-oil shark – long-tailed carpet sharks – lucifer shark – mackerel shark – mako shark – mallet sharks – man-eater shark – megamouth shark – monkey shark – night shark – nurse shark – oil shark – one-finned shark – Pacific angel shark – Portuguese shark – pygmy shark – ragged-tooth shark – requiem sharks – salmon shark – sand sharks – sand tiger shark – saw shark – sawtail cat shark – scaffold shark – school shark – seven-gill shark – sharp-nosed shark – shy shark – silk shark – six-gilled shark – sleeper sharks – slender-tooth shark – slim shark – slit-eyed shark – smooth-hound shark – snaggletooth shark – soupfin shark – spadenose shark – spinner shark – spotted cat shark – spotted gummy shark – swell shark – thresher shark – tiger shark – typical shark – weasel...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. акула 2. хищник financial sharks —- биржевые акулы 3. шулер; мошенник; вымогатель 4. спекулянт land shark —- спекулянт земельными участками 5. ам. студ. жарг. блестящий знаток (чего-л.) to be a shark at maths —- отличаться по математике; в математике собаку съел 6. ростовщик (также loan shark) 7. pl. ист. отряд вербовщиков 8. мошенничать, жульничать, плутовать; вымогать 9. пожирать 10. жить на чужой счет; прихлебательствовать; паразитировать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) акула  2) вымогатель; мошенник; шулер  3) amer.; sl. блестящий знаток (чего-л.)  2. v.  1) пожирать  2) мошенничать; вымогать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. n. any of various large usu. voracious marine fish with a long body and prominent dorsal fin. Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn. 2. n. colloq. a person who unscrupulously exploits or swindles others. Etymology: 16th c.: orig. perh. f. G Schurke worthless rogue: infl. by SHARK(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English  Date: 15th century any of numerous mostly marine cartilaginous fishes of medium to large size that have a fusiform body, lateral branchial clefts, and a tough usually dull gray skin roughened by minute tubercles and are typically active predators sometimes dangerous to humans  • ~like adjective  II. noun  Etymology: probably modification of German Schurke scoundrel  Date: 1599  1. a rapacious crafty person who takes advantage of others often through usury, extortion, or devious means loan ~s  2. one who excels greatly especially in a particular field  III. verb  Date: 1602  transitive verb  1. archaic to gather hastily  2. archaic to obtain by some irregular means  intransitive verb  1. archaic to practice fraud or trickery  2. archaic sneak ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sharks) Note: The form 'shark' can also be used as the plural form for meaning 1. 1. A shark is a very large fish. Some sharks have very sharp teeth and may attack people. N-VAR 2. If you refer to a person as a shark, you disapprove of them because they trick people out of their money by giving bad advice about buying, selling, or investments. (INFORMAL) Beware the sharks when you are making up your mind how to invest. N-COUNT c darkgreen]disapproval see also loan shark ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 plural shark or sharks a large fish with several rows of very sharp teeth that is sometimes considered to be dangerous to humans 2 informal someone who cheats other people out of money  (- see also loan shark) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1569, of uncertain origin. The meaning "dishonest person who preys on others," though only attested from 1599, may be the original sense, later applied to the predatory fish. It is possibly from Ger. Schorck, a variant of Schurke "scoundrel, villain." Loan shark, combining both senses, is attested from 1905. SHARP - O.E. scearp "cutting, keen, sharp," from P.Gmc. *skarpaz, from PIE *sker- "cut." The adjective meaning "promptly" is first attested 1840. The musical meaning "half step above a given tone" is from 1576. Meaning "a cheat at games" (1797) is short for sharper (1681), probably a variant of sharker (see shark). First record of sharpshooter is 1802. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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